Blog & Portfolio

When I get stucked and google is not able to find the solution, then I solve it and write a blog here. I write about software development and sometimes other stuffs. Thanks for visiting my blog, have a look around.

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Software developments

The softwares which I am working on are open-source and available on Feel free to join in.

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Meditation experiences

In 2014 I started meditation on a regularly basis. There were quite unrealistic experiences I had, but then I got a lot busy with work and family. Now I started it again and I thought to write it down. Keep a watch here.

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CS1503 Xamarin.Forms.Application error

While adding a UWP app an error might be encountered as CS1503:Cannot convert from [type] to type Xamarin.Forms.Application for UWP'. Just make sure to use the correct App class. Read More ›

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