Keeping house cool in summer

Keeping house cool in summer with windows and curtains and without air conditioner or air cooler.

Now that I started living at home full time, the first issue I faced is the heat in this summer. I live in Pune (Maharashtra, India). We have a duplex row house, and on the top floor I had set up my workplace.

After couple of experiments for some days, I managed to keep the whole house cool without air conditioner or air cooler in the afternoon. Cool enough so that both my kids have a comfortable time and sleeps and play well in the afternoon.

The Trick

The trick is simple and its working just fine.

1. Opening the house

In the morning around 6-7 am, I open up all the curtains and windows. This brings the cool morning air inside which is fresh, cool and clean.

2. Closing the house

I keep the curtains and windows opened until outside becomes hot and then close all the curtains and windows around 9-10 am.

In the day time I keep the whole house closed. All windows, doors and curtains closed. Opening only for a shorter time when required and closing it immediately. Just keeping some small openings for circulating the outside and inside air.

3. Using the fans

Whichever room is in use it only requires the fan at a medium to high speed. The air circulated by the fan feels fresh and cool throughout the day.

Some findings

There are certain things i noticed though:

  1. If there are more occupants in the same room for a long time and if the inner doors are closed then it starts stinking, better to keep the inner doors opened and fans on for good air circulation.
  2. In the evening or night, even when outside there’s no sun and its dark, but if outside temperature is not cool and the curtains are opened then the house gets hot.
  3. Thicker curtains works better than thin ones. But thin ones are also working fine. I moved the thicker ones to the top floor.
  4. For light, just a little opening of curtain by one side is sufficient, very little effect on the heating of house.
  5. If cooking, then its better to close the window of the kitchen and use the exhaust fan at top speed, else it gets hot fast.

Its April and current temperature outside is nearly 40 degree C. Inside its stays comfortable throughout the day. At night its little more warmer though and requires AC if more occupants sleeping in the same room.

Easy to Remember

Simple trick when to open the curtains or windows or doors is to go out and feel the temperature. If its cooler outside than inside, then its better to open up the house else keep it closed.

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